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These articles are related to the medical side of lactose intolerance.

Diagnosing Lactose Intolerance

A diagnosis of lactose intolerance isn’t life-threatening but can cause some concern for the individual suffering from symptoms. Not being able to eat or drink foods containing lactose without suffering uncomfortable side effects can be daunting. Life style changes must be made in order to live more comfortably.Read More »Diagnosing Lactose Intolerance

Can Lactose Intolerance Strike at Any Age?

Yes, lactose intolerance can occur at any time, any age. Though normally found in babies and children, the inability to tolerate any product containing lactose can happen quite suddenly, or gradually, over time. There are several factors which may cause this problem in adulthood. Getting older may bring about primary lactose intolerance, a condition that becomes more evident as people begin eating diets that contain little or no milk products, causing a decrease in lactase being made in their body. This is a very common occurrence.Read More »Can Lactose Intolerance Strike at Any Age?

Lactose Intolerance Treatment

In terms of “treatment” for lactose intolerant people there is no known medical procedure or medication available, and no known cure. What you can do however is take control of your diet, learn which foods cause your digestive issues, and avoid eating them. This may mean giving up some of the things you really love to eat, but it may very well be worth the sacrifice if you feel better.Read More »Lactose Intolerance Treatment

Signs You May Be Lactose Intolerant

Even if you have never had digestive issues before, you may recently noticed that your stomach just can’t tolerate certain foods. You may find that strange and be wondering what is actually going on. It seems that that ice cream you love so much just doesn’t “agree” with you any more, or the milk you drink daily has an unpleasant effect. Maybe you are running for the bathroom a few minutes to a couple of hours after a meal and having explosive bouts of diarrhea. Read More »Signs You May Be Lactose Intolerant